So before I go into the Disney version let me try to explain the history of the real Rob Roy. I say try because there are different legends that make up the man. Depending on who you ask, many of the stories are made up, or did actually happen. Rob Roy, like Robin Hood, could be called a hero or an outlaw. Rob Roy MacGregor grew up living in the Highlands where life was simple. The only problem was the Lowlands clans that were changing with the times and were the "upperclass" who did not care for the Highlanders' simple ways. This led to a feud between the Highland and Lowland clans over time. Plus a switch to the Great Britains throne didn't help matters for the Highlanders. Due to the 1701 Act of Settlement and later the 1707 Act of Union, the throne could no longer go to a Catholic so Queen Anne's distant relative George from Hanover (Germany) became the new ruler because he was a Protestant. There was over fifty Roman-Catholics closer to the throne than he was. Without this silly rule the crown would of been Anne's half brother, James Francis Edward Stuart. The Highlanders, being strict Catholics, did not care for the new king and devoted themselves to fighting for James making themselves Jacobites.
The Lowlands had the government on their side and created laws banning the MacGregor name because of fighting as Jacobites. They also confiscated property like cattle, land, and even women and children ( Habeas Corpus Suspension Act of 1715). This heinous act was brought about by a man just like the Sheriff of Nottingham, The Duke of Montrose. He held a grudge towards Rob Roy after money he had loaned Rob Roy for the purchase of cattle was stolen ( he believed Rob had pocketed the money himself. The money was stolen by or from Rob Roy's lead cattle driver who was assigned to purchase the cattle). The Count of Montrose proclaimed Rob Roy an outlaw and went about burning his house, taking away his property (cattle), and throwing Rob Roy in jail. Rob Roy had friends within the jail and escaped. Rob Roy MacGregor was a proud Highlander and would not go down without a fight and took to arms. He stole back "his" cattle ( they could of been his or just a wealthy lowlands herd), plus got revenge for the burning of his house and foul treatment to his wife while he was gone.
Due to his fighting with the Jacobites and the mess that the Duke of Montrose caused him, Rob Roy MacGregor became famous during this time, especially after the publishing of Daniel Dafoe's book about him, The Highland Rogue. King George even read of his tale and pardoned him in 1726, allowing Rob Roy MacGregor to live in peace for the rest of his life.
" Rob Roy you are a Great Rogue"- King George " And you Sire a Great King."- Rob Roy
Ok the history lesson is done. On to the Disney side of things! " I like history", said Walt Disney. "It's universal. Subjects like Robin Hood and the Tudors appeal to everyone. And costumes don't date, you know. I can release these films over and over again and they won't get the kind of laughs you get from modern subjects made ten years back subjects." This time Disney moved filming to the Highlands of Scotland around Corrie Grennan, Aberfoyle and studio scenes shot at Elstree. Unfortunately, Walt's preferred director Annakin from his previous film The Sword and the Rose was not available due to Rank Organisation refusing to loan him out. Walt then gave the directorial job to Harold French.
The cast looked very familiar, mirroring The Sword and Rose with leading man Richard Todd as Rob Roy and love interest Helen Mary played by Glynis Johns. Along with James Robertson Justice as The Duke of Argyll and the villainous Duke of Montrose played by Michael Gough. Absolutely no offense to Richard Todd but watching these Disney films in order I'm going to be happy to see a different face in the leading role. I think the main difference between his films is the "growing" of facial hair.
I know Disney used the same actors over and over again like Kurt Russell and Hayley Mills. They probably had a so many pictures contract but I didn't have issues with seeing these familiar faces because I wasn't watching the live-action Disney films in order like I am now. Anyway, for this film they had the budget of $1.8mil. Richard Todd's fee alone was £15,000. Todd said of Rob Roy, " Roy instituted the first protection racket." So just assuming Todd was doing the same thing asking for more money.
One thing that still seems to draw ticket buyers is a film with action and Disney made sure there was more of it for Rob Roy with lots of battle scenes. If you are looking for blood and guts though you won't find it- there is no blood on the injured, even after being stabbed or shot. Richard Todd actually injured himself on his first charge scene, stepping into a rabbit hole and hurting his ankle. An interesting fact about those soldiers extras was they were soldiers of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who had just returned from the Korean War. According to an article written by the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate the soldiers were only paid their normal pay of 7 shillings a day while the war office received 25 shillings a day. Questions were raised in British Parliament about this injustice.
The film premiered at the Royal Command Performance in London on October 26, 1953 with Queen Elizabeth the II in attendance. The U.S. premiere later occured on February 4, 1954. This was the last Disney film to be released through RKO Radio Pictures. New York Times critic Bosley Crowther had this to say of the film, " A fine lot of fighting among the hills, shooting of rifles, banging of claymore, smirking of pipes and buzzing of burrs, filmed and recorded in color on the actual Scottish countryside. And while Mr. Todd is not precisely the Rob Roy that history records, he is indeed a satisfactory fabrication until a better Rob Roy comes along." 1995's Rob Roy starring Liam Neeson???? Director Harold French called the film, "a western with kilts." In June of 1954 Walt Disney sadly admitted both The Sword and the Rose and Rob Roy were " not up to expectation", in the U.S. but performed better in other countries. Rob Roy was expected to at least return their cost. Due to this, Walt decided to pull back on continuing to make elaborate historic costumed pictures. Instead for his next film he would take his audience under the sea and no I'm not talking The Little Mermaid.
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